Compliance policy

In response to the growing demand for corporate social responsibility and public mission, the Group recognises the importance of compliance with laws, regulations and social norms in the conduct of its business activities, both as a company and by each and every employee. The Group hereby establishes and declares its basic compliance policy as a fundamental principle that all officers and employees must observe.

Business Conduct Guidelines

  1. Strictly comply with all relevant laws and regulations in all aspects of its business activities.
  2.  Implement a quality control system for deliverables within the company and throughout the supply chain, and provide customers with high-quality services and results.
  3.  Respect the privacy of Group employees and comply with the Personal Data Protection Act and all relevant laws, regulations and guidelines.
  4.  Accounting procedures shall be carried out properly in accordance with corporate accounting principles and internal regulations, and vouchers and voucher documents shall not be falsified or concealed.
  5.  Enter into written contracts for transactions, etc., and faithfully fulfil the terms of the contract when carrying out work.
  6.  In the performance of our work, we shall not engage in any work or transactions that may cause or be suspected of causing a conflict of interest.
  7. Records relating to business shall be correctly recorded without falsification and shall be kept for the stipulated period of time.
  8. We do not provide or accept improper entertainment or bribes in the course of business transactions.
  9. We shall comply with the Anti-Monopoly Act and shall never engage in bid rigging by operators.
  10. We shall never abuse our dominant position in subcontracting transactions.
  11. Disclose information to shareholders in a timely and appropriate manner on all corporate activities, including business reports and financial results.
  12. Contribute to local communities as bearers of sound social development.
  13. Respond firmly to any demands for business or money from anti-social forces, do not utilise or benefit from anti-social forces and have no relationship with them.
  14. In the conduct of our business and in our offices, we shall be conscious of environmental protection and act in line with the SDGs.
  15. In employment and treatment, respect the human rights of employees and do not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, gender, religion, nationality, age, educational background or other personal characteristics, and
  16. evaluate each employee fairly and impartially to create a rewarding working environment.
  17. Employees shall not engage in sexual harassment, harassment by taking advantage of their position or status, or any other harassing behaviour that could be misconstrued as such.
  18. Employees’ personal information shall be properly managed, shall not be used for purposes other than those for which it was originally intended or for any other improper use, and shall not be disclosed to outside parties without the consent of the individual concerned, unless there is a court order or other justifiable reason.
  19. Comply with labour-related laws and regulations, properly manage working hours and other working conditions, and ensure that working hours are not excessive.
  20. Work to promote the physical and mental health of employees by ensuring safety in the workplace and by providing employees with advice on their health.
  21. Persons who violate the basic compliance policy or leave violations unattended shall be punished in accordance with the employment regulations. A Compliance Committee is established to deal seriously with whistle-blowing about violations of the Compliance Policy.

Revised 1 June 2021 Yoshio Umeda, President Seed Planning Inc.